Home Moves Burn Away
Base Power Power Points Accuracy
— 10 —%
Effect Chance Priority Target
—% 0 Entire field
Taught via TM/HM : PX41
Move Flags
Flavor Text
A fire scorches the battlefield, destroying any modifications or constructs that have been set up.
Move Description The user unleashes a torrent of fire that sets the battlefield alight, instantly burning down any terrain changes, traps or strange constructs that may have appeared and distracting any battlers who might be attempting to maintain them. The fire dies down quickly and leaves the battlefield in a neutral state.
Removes the effects of dampeners (Mud Sport , Water Sport ); entry hazards (Spikes , Stealth Rock , Sticky Web , Toxic Spikes ); gardens (Mental Garden , Power Garden , White Garden ); screens (Aurora Veil , Dust Guard , Light Screen , Lucky Chant , Mist , Rainbow Wall , Reflect , Safeguard ); terrain (Electric Terrain , Grassy Terrain , Haunted Terrain , Miasma Terrain , Misty Terrain , Psychic Terrain ); and other field effects (Gravity , Magic Room , Oil Slick , Quicksand , Trick Room , Wonder Room ), on both sides of the field.
Does not affect Tailwind or weather.
Pokémon that learn Burn Away by level (3)
Phoenixdex Pokémon (3)
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Pokémon is © 1995-present Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc. et al. This website and its author do not claim to own their original characters, concepts, artwork, etc.. No claim of ownership of this material is intended; this is simply the work of a fan. All other site content, except where otherwise indicated, was created by Phoenixsong.
Canon move and ability data through Gen VI courtesy of veekun, with later details from Bulbapedia .
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