The user levitates all of the active battlers' items, including its own, and juggles them in midair with its ghostly powers. As soon as the juggling act is finished all of the items land on the target's head, possibly causing some side effects depending on the items dropped.
Consumes the held items of all active battlers, including the user, its allies and any Pokémon that are not adjacent to the user, but not including any items held by Pokémon with Multitype or Sticky Hold, any Drives held by Genesect, any Griseous Orbs held by Giratina, any Gilded Crowns or Wilted Crowns held by Athlauria or any held Gems, Poké Balls or Mega Stones. The consumed items' effects on their original holders are not triggered unless they were held by the user and would modify Polter Juggle's power (e.g. the user's Spooky Plate or Expert Belt will increase its power before being consumed); Life Orb will increase Polter Juggle's power but will not damage the user.
This move hits the target once for each item consumed this way, up to a maximum of six times if used in a triple battle while all active Pokémon are holding an eligible item.
Additionally, the following items cause an additional effect on the target when used with Polter Juggle:
Item |
Effect |
Any Berry |
That Berry's effect when consumed, if applicable |
Flame Orb |
Burns the target |
King's Rock |
Makes the target flinch |
Light Ball |
Paralyzes the target |
Mental Herb |
Cures the target of the effects of infatuation, Cursed Body/Disable, Encore, Taunt, and Torment |
Poison Barb |
Poisons the target |
Razor Fang |
Makes the target flinch |
Toxic Orb |
Badly poisons the target |
White Herb |
Resets the target's negative stat stages to 0 |
(The base power that the item would have if thrown with Fling is ignored. All hits of Polter Juggle have a base power of 30.)
This move will fail if no active Pokémon are holding an item; if the only items/active Pokémon are Genesect holding a Drive, Athlauria holding a Gilded Crown or Wilted Crown, Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, or a Pokémon holding its corresponding Mega Stone; if all Pokémon holding items (other than the user) have Sticky Hold or Multitype; if the user (but not the target or any other Pokémon) is under the effect of Embargo, Klutz, Magic Room, or Unnerve (if the item is a Berry); or if the only items held are any type of Gem or Poké Ball. The user does not necessarily have to hold an applicable item in order to use this move, but at least one other Pokémon must be holding something.
Skill Link does not apply, but Crescendo does.
This move cannot be used while Gravity is in effect.