Pixie Dust


Base PowerPower PointsAccuracy
Effect ChancePriorityTarget
—%0Single non-user

Flavor Text

The user scatters a cloud of mysterious dust on the target. There's no telling what it might do.

Move Description

The user scatters a mysterious, sparkling dust over its target that causes unpredictable effects.


The target is afflicted by one of the following major status conditions at random (20% chance each):

  • Burn
  • Freeze
  • Paralysis
  • Poison
  • Sleep

Pokémon that learn Pixie Dust by level (4)

Phoenixdex Pokémon (4)

Pokémon that learn Pixie Dust via move relearner (2)

Phoenixdex Pokémon (2)

Pokémon that learn Pixie Dust as an egg move (5)

Phoenixdex Pokémon (5)