
An introduction to the regions that make up this project.


The trainers in Accolanto are considered some of the most dedicated in the entire Zencalian Confederation League. No-frills and high-skill Pokémon battles are all the rage—the only rage, really—and everyone from beginning battlers to Pokémon masters can find a challenge that's just right for them. There's even a second Pokémon League starting up soon, offering advanced battlers twice the opportunity for a good scrap, although the details surrounding its split from the original league are still a mystery.
A map of the Accolanto region.


Civilization has thrived in the Nesubi region for thousands of years in defiance of its harsh surroundings, thanks to the life-giving river and the Pokémon that have lived alongside its people. This is a place where passions and rivalries run hot as the desert sun, and the League's trainers compete as fiercely as the legendary patrons claimed by each city. Nesubi's millennia of storied history—and bitter conflict—are on display everywhere you go, and there are always new mysteries buried under the sands if you know where to look...
A map of the Nesubi region.


Faelan is the newest Zencalian region—physically the newest, not just politically or anything, because as far as everyone understands the whole region literally showed up out of nowhere a few short centuries ago. People have since settled it and gone about their lives, even starting up a Pokémon League, and for the most part things are going well... as long as everyone remembers to be careful around all that strange mist, that is.
A placeholder image standing in for a map of the Faelan region.