
7th March 2024 at 6:22pm

A simplified archive of the Phoenixdex's New Logora fanregion project, as it was before its discontinuation in 2024.

(For miscellaneous archived content that did not involve the discontinuation of an entire region, check here: Phoenixdex Archives: Miscellaneous.)

This archive contains:

As this is a simplified archive, it does not contain everything from the original pages; it's just intended to be a quick and easy way to see fakemon art, basic fakemon info, and a few other details. It is also worth noting that the project was not 100% complete when it was discontinued, so some of the originally planned Pokémon, characters, and other information were never finished or made public.

Most of the fakemon in this archive are also visible on the main site, the Phoenixdex, albeit possibly in an updated form and as a part of different projects. Others have been removed from the main project site, but are still memorialized here.

All fakemon on this page are licensed under Creative Commons and are free to use (with credit) for non-commercial purposes subject to the terms outlined on this page. Please read that page before using any of these fakemon!

All canon Pokémon are, of course, the property of Game Freak and Nintendo.

How to use this site

This is a single-page "wiki" website with links to pages documenting the project's Pokémon, characters, and overall details. When you click on a link, a little mini-page will appear above the mini-page you were just reading. You can use the "X" in the top-right corner to close a mini-page you no longer need. You can also use the "Open" tab in the sidebar on the right to see a list of all mini-pages currently open, and search for a given page using the search bar.

(The other sidebar functions and site features are irrelevant and can be ignored, but it won't hurt anything if you touch them. If anything about this website's information seems to change while you're clicking around, just refresh the page using your browser controls to go back to normal.)